15 Most Popular Poems.

Hi friends, do you know what poem is ? do you even know why people started to write poems. Truly I didn't know either then one day I asked the same question to my self but I didn't know so I searched on google and got this definition.

A piece of writing in which the expression of feelings and ideas is given intensity by particular attention to diction (sometimes involving rhyme), rhythm, and imagery.

To understand why people like poems so much and how poets feel when they write it so read some poems. And I am sharing with you some of those. 

Personally, I feel that those poets can see between the lines. They can feel moments of life also and describe it in their own way.

1.Whenever you do not Understand

Whenever you do not understand 
what's happening 
in your life,
just close your eyes,
take a deep breath and say
 "God I know
it is just your plan. 
please help me through it."

                                     ➤Alberto Casing

2. A Thousand Versions Of You.

you have shed
a thousand skins 
to become the person
you are today

And if you ever feel
by the many people
you once were,
your bones have grown,
but what makes them
has never changed.

                               ➤Nikita Gill


Changes can be beautiful and scary at the 
same time.
you can be hurting and 
wondering what tomorrow will
bring, but you can also be healing 
and happy.
Sometimes it's best not to
question why you're feeling this 
way, but instead change may bring...
change can be beautiful, but
scary process.


Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field 
Frozen with snow.

                                       ➤➤ Langstone Hughes

5. Hold Fast Your Dreams

Hold Fast your dreams!
within your heart
keep one still, secret spot
where dreams may go,
And, sheltered so,
May thrive and grow
where doubt and fear are not.
O keep a place apart,
Within your heart,
For little dreams to go!

                                 ➤➤  Louise Driscoll

6. Why she loves sunset?
People ask why 
she loves sunsets
if they mean that
 has their end.

But the colour of the sun
is what makes her happy.

It reminds her
that whatever happened 
the entire day,
you can still get
a beautiful thing
in the end.

                            ➤➤ Kriz Summer

7. I almost wish

I almost wish 
we were butterflies
and lived but three summer days-
three such days with you
I could fill with more delight
than fifty common years
could ever contain.

➤➤ John Keats

8. Don't walk behind me
Don't walk behind me
I may not lead.
Don't walk in front of me
I may not follow.
Just walk beside me
and be my friend.

                              ➤➤ Albert Camus

9. I love you

I love you as
certain dark things
are to be loved,
in secret,
between the shadow
and the soul.

                         ➤➤ Neruda

10. Be kind to yourself

Be kind to yourself
Whenever you are right
now, let it
teach you something.
Be kind to yourself on
your journey and 
in the process of
who you are becoming.

                               ➤➤Morgan Harper Nichols

11.The Exit

Young woman,
If you are heartbroken
still, leave your heart open
so pain can find the exit.

                       ➤➤Alexandra Vasiliu

12.Heart of butterflies

You touched my hand,
You touched my skin,
My hair, my neck, my deepest sin.

You touched my head 
You touched my ears
Took off my mask, revealed my fears

You kissed my eyes,
You kissed my lips,
Left me in the dark like an eclipse

You looked at me
I saw your eyes,
You touched my heart of butterflies.


13.Feathers Of Hope

"Hope" is the thing
with feathers
That perches in 
the soul
And sings the tune
Without the words
And never stops
at all.

                                           ➤➤Emily Dickinson

14.The Life

Life is short
break the Rules

Forgive quickly
Kiss slowly, Love truly,
Laugh Uncontrollably,
and Never Regret 
anything that made 
you Smile.

Twenty years from now
you will be more

Disappointed by the 
things you didn't do than
by the Once you did.

So Throw Off the Bowilnes
sail away from the safe harbour.
Catch The Trade Winds
in your Sails.

                                         ➤➤Mark Twain

15. I will love you

I will love you
as long as The Sun
burns in the sky,
as long as The Moon
Shines its Light
into The Dark Night,
until the raging
Blue Oceans become
calm and run dry
I will love you until 
The Time.

                                      ➤➤Christy Ann Martine

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