The Angry Giant And His Beautiful Garden.

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Once upon a time, there lived a giant in a large house. He had a lovely garden, but no one was allowed to enter it. Some kids from the neighborhood would come into his garden to play whenever he was gone. The children came to play as usual one day when the giant was not around. He came back to find his children joyfully playing in his garden. He was furious as a result. He drove all of the children out of the garden and erected a high wall around it. The children were unable to scale the giant's garden due to their inability to climb the wall. The flowers in the garden died because there were no cheerful children in the garden. The leaves began to curl and dry out.

There were no new flowers, leaves, or plants to grow. In the winter, snow blanketed the entire garden. When spring arrived, trees worldwide sprouted fresh leaves and buds. There were soon green leaves and gorgeous flowers all over the place. Birds sang from the branches of trees, bees buzzed around flowers, and animals frolicked in the bushes.

In the giant's garden, though, it was still winter. There were no leaves on the trees. There were no flowers or birds to be found. The colossus became concerned. He was perplexed as to why winter had not yet left his garden. The giant then heard a cuckoo calling one morning. He went out to see the cuckoo, amazed. In his garden, he noticed a few children playing.

Then he saw a tiny breach in the high wall of his garden. It had been squeezed through by the children. Winter left, taking all the snow and cold with it, while they happily played in the garden. Spring had arrived in the giant's garden with glee. New leaves and flowers grew on the trees. Every tree was alive with birdsong. In the garden, he could even observe little creatures cheerfully going about their business.

The giant realized he had been mistaken! He had been egotistical. He hadn't shared his lovely garden with anyone. He hadn't told the kids about the delight his garden brought him. He let the kids play in his garden from that day forward. When they were all having a good time, The giant would also sit and enjoy watching them play.


  1. Talk to your parents about your feelings and thoughts. 
  2. Play games and toys with your cousins and friends.
  3. Your notes should be shared with your classmates.
  4. Take care of the stuff you've been given.
  5. Remember that sharing is a healthy habit to develop.

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the angry giant,stories, stories with moral ,stories for bedtime adults, stories with a moral ,stories restaurant, stories miami ,stories to sleep ,stories for sleep

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