Hi friends today I will tell you the story which I heard in a video which was shared by one of my friends this story is similar to the one which my grandmas told me once. this story is about bad habits so now let's begin.

Motivational story for bad habits.stories for kids.stories in english language.

Once upon a time a rich businessman lived with his 8-year old boy, The businessman loved his son But hated that he had some bad habits, He is always worried about his son’s behaviour one day the man went to a wise master. He told him that my son is a very good boy But he has picked some unhealthy habits which I cannot get him to let go I worry about him.  all the time Please help me. After listening to his problem the master said,  Bring him to me tomorrow morning,

Motivational story for bad habits.stories for kids.stories in english language.

The next morning the man did as the Master had said He brought his boy to him. The master said to the boy, Come, son.  Let's go for a walk.  The boy obeyed And they went for a walk in the garden As they walked, they came upon a little sapling. The master said again to the boy Son, pull out the sapling for me.  The boy did that easily and presented the Master with the sapling Very well, now you see that small plant? Pull that out for me The boy did as asked  And easily pulled the plant out Next, the Master asked him to pull out a bush It took some effort, but the boy did that too.

Motivational story for bad habits.stories for kids.stories in english language.

Now, see that small tree, son?  Pull that out for me.  The boy went to the small tree and though it took him a lot of effort and struggle he pulled it out for the master Very well done Finally, look at that big tree over there Pull that out too for me The boy tried and tried But the tree did not budge Finally, tired the boy gave up.

Motivational story for bad habits.stories for kids.stories in english language.

I am sorry, wise Master I cannot pull that tree out It is old and strong Bad habits are just like the plants and trees When they are new like the sapling you can get rid of them quickly and easily But if you let them stay and grow they grow strong and become like the old tree that cannot be removed Forgive me, Master!  I now understand, what my father has been trying to tell me I will drop all my bad habits from now on.

Motivational story for bad habits.stories for kids.stories in english language.

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