Birbal,Farmer And The Shrewd Man

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A shrewd guy once sold his well to a farmer. The shrewd man remarked the next day when the farmer went to take water from that well. "I only sold you the well." The water, not so much. As a result, you won't be able to draw water from this well. The farmer was taken aback when he learned about this.

The farmer was so duped that he went to Emperor Akbar's court to seek justice. He told the Emperor everything that had happened. He then requested justice from the Emperor. Birbal was summoned by the Emperor, who handed over the matter to him. 'Birbal, please listen to this poor farmer's story and ensure that he receives justice: Birbal summoned the other man before the court after hearing the farmer's story.

The next day, both guys appeared in front of the court. Birbal inquired about the vendor. 'How about allowing the farmer to utilize the well water?' You did, after all, sell the well to the farmer. The cunning man replied with a low bow. "Huzoor, I simply sold the farmer the well, not the water." As a result, he does not have the authority to draw water from the well.

Birbal grinned and replied, "Very nice!" You have no right to keep your water in the farmer's well because you sold the well to him. You must either pay the farmer rent to retain your water in his well, or you must immediately remove your water from his well. You must keep what you have.

belongs to you and you alone. "Am I correct?"

The cunning man recognized that deceiving the farmer was no longer viable. He apologized for his deception and retracted his claim about the well's water. Birbal's intelligence was recognized by the entire court.

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  • It takes courage to be just and fair.
  • Even if no one is looking, you must be honest.
  • Being just can be challenging at times.
  • People will be just with you if you are just with them.

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