How Can We Improve Ourselves ? What is self improvement {A Short Discussion About Self Improvement}

What is self improvement {A Short Discussion About Self Improvement} don't give up

How are all friends? People often ask how do we improve ourselves, or What is self-improvement, do you know yes, of course, you know very well, there is some difficulty in understanding how to do it. We will discuss the subject a little and in my upcoming articles, we will be able to solve our problems with the help of questions.

First of all, let me tell you that there are mainly two types of self-improvement.

1. External improvements 2. Internal improvement

Sometimes when people talk about self-improvement, they actually talk about achieving some kind of success in the world. Maybe you keep doing what you are doing, and you make more money, make better friends, live fabulous lives, and travel to exotic places. This type of improvement is an improvement that I call your life situation. These are the assets that necessarily change without improving the quality of your life that you are as a person.

External improvement

What is self improvement {A Short Discussion About Self Improvement} body swapping.
External correction is a type of correction that can be understood by the body swap scenario. Money, fitness {health}, credit, status, friend, etc. are all external improvements. Self-improvement is the kind of improvement that will not change in that scenario. Habits, thought patterns {way of living}, confidence, confidence, learned skills, and behavior are all internal improvements. Obviously, the two types of reforms affect each other. Being rich can start improving your confidence. Similarly, being disciplined and frugal can make you rich. Let us now talk about all kinds of complex methods.

Thoughts about self-improvement

What is self improvement {A Short Discussion About Self Improvement} awareness.
Although external improvement is important, self-improvement is something that is usually worth acting on. This is because any external improvement resulting from self-improvement is not caused by circumstances or factors beyond your control. Perhaps winning the lottery may be great for you, but instead, you need to honestly invest more money, earn more, and invest wisely, and it starts with changing your own behavior, skills, and habits.
Given this difference in external improvement and self-improvement, I want to introduce another concept now.

Your total life strategy is a collection of every habit, behavior, and thought pattern, conscious and unconscious, that you can use to solve problems in life, to meet your needs, or yourself as an organism. Think of it as one who has needs and goals that need to survive in your environment. Obviously, your needs, goals, and environment are much more complex than most simple organisms, but the same principle remains. What do you need that you avoid that will hurt you and move towards that which will help you reach your goals?

What is self improvement {A Short Discussion About Self Improvement} Think.
To solve this problem and to deal with all the various challenges in your life, you should develop a collection of your thoughts, behaviors, and habits. Sometimes your strategy will be very good. Maybe you exercise regularly, do not eat enough food, and get plenty of sleep, be disciplined in your daily routine and do all your work with full devotion. Other times your strategies will be terrible. It may be that you assume that you have completed all the semesters and still beyond rote just before the final exam, and still you have to face difficulties in solving the questions in the exam.

The point to understand is that your total life strategy represents some kind of response to the challenges you face in your life. Primarily it involves both consciously aimed goals and tactics, but there are also many behaviors that are driven by emotions and intuition where the causes are often opaque {which cannot be seen}. Self-improvement is adjusting your total life strategy, it brings us on the path of many kinds of questions. What is self-improvement? From this understanding, self-improvement is any change that you try to make in your total life strategy.

Adjusting Your Total Life Strategy

External reform needs to be separated here, of course, because the rise or fall of one's destiny is possible without radically changing a person's form. Self-improvement, by contrast, changes you as a person. In addition to this understanding of self-improvement, I think there are two useful additional concepts that help to make the task of improving oneself more clear.

1: Steady strategies (honestly) solve your problems

What is self improvement {A Short Discussion About Self Improvement} Honesty.
 Honestly, whatever strategy you have, it should be stable. To be stable, you have to reduce those that you have enough so that you can give time to your important tasks so that you always think about the water flowing down. Close to the center of the Earth is the place he wants to go. However, sometimes it can get stuck on a mountain lake. The reason for this is that a local depression surrounds the high sides so that to exit, it must first go up. Water cannot do this, so it is stopped even if it wants to go downstream.

Your life is also, in a way, a similar problem. You are trying to meet your needs and goals. However, sometimes, your strategies are not very effective due to being on a mountain lake. However, if your strategies are stable, there must be something to keep them there, otherwise, you are better off doing things. Knowing this often means that self-improvement is a delicate task of construction. Sometimes you will be trying to squeeze water from a high lake down to a lower reservoir. You may need to pump the water upward before it can flow anywhere else.

2: Your conscious will is very limited

What is self improvement {A Short Discussion About Self Improvement} conscious will .
The second problem of self-improvement is that much of your total life strategy is executed below the threshold of your awareness. Sometimes it is because your attention is elsewhere, and if you have really paid attention, you can notice the things you are doing right now that you are currently ignoring. The reason for this is that the circuits of the brain that perform the behavior are not open to introspection. Therefore, you have all the impulses and feelings, but you cannot understand why you have them or how to change them.

Since conscious willpower is limited, this means that you usually cannot change your total life strategy through heroic acts of self-determination. You can sometimes make big changes fast, but this only happens when your strategies are structured almost to a point, and so they were already designed to function in a different steady-state. Most of the time you will not be able to do this. Instead, you will need time and meticulously measured progress in self-improvement.

Implications for your Total Life Strategy What are the implications of this approach to self-improvement?

1. Self-improvement begins by identifying how you are solving your problems.

What is self improvement {A Short Discussion About Self Improvement} Solution.
You fail when attempting to change your ideal because you fail to recognize that it was designed to solve your previous strategy. Eating may not be the ideal habit when you are under stress. But when you are in a negative state, and thus meet certain needs, it can give you comfort. The wise person keeps these things in mind for self-improvement efforts. This is often a case of testing different solutions, and if they don't work, you can create a different response, seeing why they failed.

2. Only gradual changes are possible in your total life strategy

The second implication of this approach is that, since conscious effort is highly constrained, we can make small changes to our total life strategy at any particular time. These changes must be repeated over a long period of time to push the entire structure of our beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors into a new stable configuration.

What is self improvement {A Short Discussion About Self Improvement} I am possible.
A common misconception about this approach is that it means that all of your goals should be slow, and you should never dare or make ambitious efforts. However, it slows down the change in your total life strategy, with things happening slowly. Your total life strategy may already include patterns that are merely motivation and resources for a deeper burst of goals. Or it may include patterns of laxity and avoidance. Adjusting to your total life strategy is to happen slowly, but the actual strategies themselves can be fast or slow. I know it sounds confusing. 

In short: Your life is defined by the things you have and who you are as a person. You can improve your external situation without making yourself better, but this results in luck and circumstances that you cannot control. Therefore, I always suggest focusing on self-improvement rather than an external improvement as it is the primary reason for success and happiness in life.
What is self improvement {A Short Discussion About Self Improvement} self development.
Self-improvement involves making changes to your total life strategy. These are the sum total of all behaviors, thoughts, beliefs, and reactions (both conscious and unconscious) that you use to fulfill your needs, reach your goals, and overcome your problems in life. The total strategy of life that you have right now must solve some kind of problem to remain stable. If it did not solve any problem, or there was a simple way to improve it, it would not be stable, and you would naturally drift to a better solution.

All self-improvement is a construction task that attempts to identify your current strategies, how they meet your current needs and solve your current problems, and by understanding how to adjust them to a better configuration Go Because the conscious will is extremely limited, you cannot make major adjustments to your overall life strategy. Instead, you can only make small changes. It's not huge, superficial change is impossible, but it's just that you'll still be the same person, with the same reaction and drive

Any process of self-improvement must begin by identifying who the person is who is trying to solve the problem. Then it should be asked what small and stable changes can be made to become the person where the problem is solved.

What is self improvement {A Short Discussion About Self Improvement} new beginning.

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