15 Best Exercises & Activities For Positive Thinking

In this article, you will discover some great positive thinking exercises and activities that will help you immensely in your life. And I know that mastering these exercises isn’t the easiest thing to do. At least not the ones that include controlling your Mind at all times. This practice seems to be an endless problem for many people.

However, certain positive thinking exercises can dramatically help you to improve your thought patterns without a tremendous effort, and I’ll share them with you. If you really take them seriously and put your heart and soul into them, you will change your personality.

I would like to tell you these techniques and exercises will not make you Buddha, they will not make you the king or the queen of the world, or superhero but they will improve every aspect of your life if practiced and implemented regularly and consistently. So let's start our journey.

Exercises & Activities for Positive Thinking.

#1– Give and Receive Attitude

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Few things are as gratifying as placing a smile on the face of someone else. A selfless gesture will make you feel connected to something bigger than yourself.

You should also be able to receive a selfless gesture because the same feeling you get when you help someone will be bestowed on the person that helps you. This is the natural chain of life so don’t break it with pride.

Remember, every time you give, the Universe rewards you tenfold. It will all come back, it’s a law, so don’t hesitate to give big.

#2– Laugh as much as possible

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There is scientific evidence that proves the fact that laughter increases the quality of life. In other words, laughter is truly the best natural medicine and the best way to do this is by surrounding yourself with positive people.

Friendships that are rooted in misery, judgment, depression, and even the use of drugs are like leeches of happiness. Take stock of the friends you have and how they really impact your life. Once you are in the company of friends who care for your well-being then laughter will naturally follow.

After all, you can laugh even without the right friends. Simply work on your attitude and train yourself to find good in everything and anything. See only the bright side and learn to be more humorous.

If all previous fails, make a habit to watch a good comedy movie every Friday night. Pick the best of the best and really laugh until tears start rolling down your eyes. A good belly laugh will never fail to increase your positivity, so use it more often.

#3 – Listen to Your Favorite Music

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Music has been and will always be an excellent positivity booster. Nothing can replace the emotions you get when listening to some really good piece of music that’s authentic to your personality. This doesn’t have to be meditative and relaxing music (although these help a lot), but rather, any genre that simply puts a smile on your face while you listen to it.

You can afford to go wild and create movies in your mind while listening however don’t fall into the pitfall of imagining unfavorable scenarios, as these will have the exact opposite effect. Instead, listen and imagine good positive outcomes and scenarios for your life and this will surely boost your entire positivity and vibration.

As a matter of fact, Do It Right Now, while you read this website. Just visit YouTube and play some good mind-blowing song, or better yet, play the one below (one of my favorite compositions): I really love music although sometimes I do not know the singer or musician I still like it.

search Gatsu no lion and Clannad after story music on youtube. I am still listening to the music while working on this blog.

#4 – Express Your Thankfulness To The Others

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All the struggles and problems in life stop and disappear, at the moment when gratitude starts to take place. Remember that sentence. The grateful mind never experiences troubles and regardless of all the obstacles in life, it continues to be positive by creating a phenomenal vibration.

Be constantly and consciously thankful for all the blessings in your life. Keep a notebook and write down all the things that make you feel good. Start from the ability to be able to see, to smell, to walk, to talk, and move all the way to relationships, material possessions, and spiritual enlightenment.

Also, don’t forget to be grateful for all the good things that are yet to come into your life. This will surely put you on a good track and will make positive thinking automatic in your life.

#5 – Check Your Inner Voice

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Apart from breathing, this is another important activity that goes unnoticed. Do we really take note of our inner voice? Do we ever blame the negative internal dialogue for keeping happiness at bay?

Our consciousness is the biggest “Trickster” and the biggest “Enemy” we have, and the one we will ever have. It’s the source for all the problems and negativity and it is never the outside world. Regardless of how hard it is for you to accept this fact, it is always our inner voice. It is not the situations and events that take place in our lives that are the problems, it is our perception and interpretation of those circumstances that produce the negative emotions and feelings.

Always remember that when something becomes a habit we forget how it affects our lives. There is a reason why reprogramming internal dialogue is one of the most important positive thinking exercises out there. Make a point to channel positive affirmations and do it regularly. Meditate and control your thoughts.

If you don’t have anything good to think about yourself, then at least don’t think badly and negatively. This is the source of self-respect, confidence, and happiness, so master it as quickly as possible.

#6 – Be A Part Of Some Positive Activities

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It would be easy to recommend meditation and yoga as positive activities because they are among the best. But the truth is you need to find something that gets your happiness flowing so-to-speak.

Not everyone is comfortable with the silence and slow pace connected with yoga and meditation. If this is the case for you then go out and explore your options. Many people find that going to the gym a couple of times a week has a dramatic effect on their mental health as well.

Maybe you like to play golf or swim? or you might be more of a practical person that likes to build things. How about hiking or walking in the park or playing your favorite sport? Do What Inspires You.

It doesn’t matter what you do in simple terms, as long as the activity has a positive outcome on your body and mind. To engage in any activity that makes you feel good and positive, it’s as simple as that.

#7 – Take Back Control

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Everyone can take a tip from the sessions, more specifically the “prayer” at the end of every session. It comes down to taking control of things you can change and accepting those you can’t.

Even though there are several things we cannot change, like the loss of a loved one, we can control how we feel about it in addition to how we react. There is nobody in this world that can take this power from you and simply by realizing this, your life can change for the better.

It might not always be easy, because God knows it’s difficult to get your heart and your head in the same room. But it’s definitely possible if you believe it. So do everything you’ve got to take back control over your life and your attitude, and please, refuse to be controlled by outside circumstances.

Say out loud right now: “I am responsible for my life and for every result, I get I am in full control over my consciousness and over my feelings and I am immune to all the negativity in the world.”

#8 – Go Easy on Yourself

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One of the best ways to learn something new is by failing in something. Unfortunately, our perception of failure is directly linked with “not good enough” or even the feeling of shame.

The important thing to remember is that we are human and placing pressure on ourselves for not getting something right the first time isn’t the end of the world. We are allowed to fail because otherwise, we would never really learn anything.

Life is all about taking chances and not living in the fear of failing. Sometimes failing can be fun when surrounded by the right people. But what is a failure? The best definition I know is this: “Failing occurs only and only when the individual quits” You will never fail in anything, except if you decide to quit.

So regardless of how many times you’ve failed in the past, make a decision today that you will never stop trying and never quit. Go easy on yourself, you deserve it, you are better than what you think you are.

#9 – Pay Attention To Your Diet

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Changing your attitude from negative to positive will always involve your body. Consider how you feel after eating a greasy hamburger that was too big in the first place? Now consider eating smaller portions of a well-balanced meal.

It might not always taste fantastic, but your body will enjoy every minute. In turn, your mind will follow. You will never find a moment when the body and mind are not connected. If you ever do find this moment then you are not among the living anymore.

So regardless of how hard it may seem to be, decide that you will break your habit (and that’s exactly what it is, it’s just a habit) and that you will start to take care of your health.

The food becomes part of you so choose wisely what materials you’ll be building your body. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, drink fresh homemade juices, choose rise and cereals instead of bread, avoid meat and dairy products as much as you can, or at least reduce it to a minimum, and eat more nuts. It sure will not only better your health, but it will increase your entire positivity as well.

#10 – Embrace Change

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It is natural for us to find comfort in things that are familiar and close to us, whether it’s relationships, work situations, living space, or the cushions we sleep with at night.

Unfortunately, the comfort starts to cloud our judgment. We reach a point where it doesn’t matter if the comfort is good or bad. Spouses stay married through domestic violence, years of working in the same position creates fear of applying for something better and you still sleep with that cushion which causes your neck to ache in the morning.

These are all examples of bad comfort zones. Stepping outside of your comfort zone won’t just open your eyes, but liberate you. Happiness can’t find you if you are hiding in your comfort zone. Step out of your comfort zone and reach out to the unknown.

What are you tired of now but wait there are more Points you need to know, so just keep reading?

#11 – Experience What You Need To Experience

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Life isn’t just about feeling happy. Your body and mind come with such a complex nature that they need to go through various stages to function.

To break this down in more understandable terms, if you feel like you want to cry then have a good cry. If you feel like you need half a day to sit and sulk then by all means do it. If we were happy all the time we would forget how good happiness feels.

However, don’t get stuck in those experiences. Give yourself time to experience what you need to experience and move on to bigger and better things. Emotions are strong and beautiful elements that give life meaning, so enjoy all of them. As long as you remember that you are in control.

Tip #12 – Open Your Mind And Enjoy Your Life

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With all the latest technology and findings science has yet to unlock the mysteries of the mind. Just the way our bodies function is an unexplained miracle. We have the gift of both these things and it’s also our gift to enjoy them.

Don’t overlook the simple pleasures, such as tasting good food, feeling blades of grass between your toes, or staring at the stars at night. Treat every experience as if it is new to you and open yourself to all the great things that still have to come your way. We all have a limited time with these gifts so make the most of them.

Tip #13 – Let Go Of Your Past

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Letting go of the past doesn’t just involve bad memories. It also includes childhood dreams of becoming someone special. For many of us, these dreams become more stressful as the years go by. We find ourselves striving towards a life we imagine is perfect and in turn, we become negative and sad for what we have.

There is no shame in letting the dreams slide. In fact, it will take a lot of pressure off your shoulders when you do. Just because you stopped living those dreams in your mind doesn’t mean they won’t come true, but if you are unhappy on your journey, then the journey is not worthwhile in the first place.

So let go of the past, and start a new beginning. Create new and exciting dreams and go for them, and never lose hope for the ones from your childhood. Life is an exciting adventure and you never know with certainty what it brings you.

#14– Remember To Breathe

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Given that breathing is such a natural part of life and happens without any conscious thought, we underestimate its power. Yes, breathing has immense power, and just paying attention to it when you are in a bad mood will prove it to you.

Anger, anxiety, stress, fear, all these emotions cause shallow and quick breaths, whereas calm and happy situations generate deep and slow breathing patterns. The opposite is true, your breathing can influence your emotions. So start to breathe deeply on your belly, and turn this into a habit.

When you find yourself in a negative state of mind, take 5 minutes to just breathe deeply and slowly. You will notice an immediate and positive effect on your body and mind.

Simply close your eyes (you don’t have to if you are in public or in an uncomfortable position), take deep breaths all the way down to your belly, and exhale very slowly. It will guarantee to cheer you up and relieve those negative emotions.

#15– Don’t Live According To A Label You Have

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Make no mistake about it. labels can come from other people and yourself. Although it’s easier to blame others for placing you under a certain class or type, it’s you that gives power to that label. It’s also understandable that being called “something” enough times starts to sink in.

These labels surface during youth and come from various sources, but it’s important not to empower them. We are not our jobs or feelings, our self-worth cannot be measured by money and we don’t have to stay within the confines of other people’s perceptions. You are an individual and no amount of labels can ever describe who you are.

So if you already are, stop living like this Say to yourself right now: “I am a winner and I don’t care what others think about me. I am a fulfilled, self-confident, and happy human being”


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Making positive thinking a habit in your life can indeed be one of the most rewarding experiences and discoveries that you could ever have. However, this is not the easiest thing to do and we can all experience failures from time to time.

Regardless of how hard it may seem, just by following these simple, but yet powerful exercises and activities, you will change your life and nothing will be the same as before. Period.

Therefore, don’t just read and think that you’ve changed something. You must step into action and do what this article suggests you do if you want to feel the real benefits in your life.

So cheer up, put a big smile on your face, and know deep down, that positivity will be your new lifestyle. I know you’ll do well.

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